Two Way Mirror

“Life is only a reflection of what we allow ourselves to see.”

About IIWM

We have an innate perception of how we are seen, yet so often this is distorted through mirrors that are not allowing for a true reflection. Perhaps the mirror of focus is concaved, reflecting the light inwards to create a false sense of importance of the ego, or perhaps the mirror is convexed, reflecting light outwards in constant focus of the external influence.

A plane mirror gives you a reflection of face value, yet a two way mirror allows for the additional plane of a second perspective, both the reflection and the observation.

Through dynamic and intimate modalities Two Way Mirror allows for the viewer to gain multiple perspectives and a deeper understanding of self. Through both coaching and photography, we are able to discover what lays beneath, enabling us to receive clear guidance towards our divine path, and obtain soul alignment. In turn, providing acceptance and support in living the life that is meant for us, a life of ease, creativity, love and joy.

Meaning behind the name

We are all mirrors, what we see in others, is simply a reflection of our own selves, no person is viewed the same way by two different beings. Allow these reflections to be noticed, valued and understood.

The number 2 forms the basis of duality, ruled by the moon, which like us, reflects light to be seen. The number also represents balance, harmony, loving relationships and finding your life path. So why not take this opportunity to step into yourself, a journey of self-discovery and at the same time, create beautiful images for ongoing reflection and documentation.

The method of photography itself uses two mirrors, to reflect light and expose the image. Seeming to me the perfect tool for discovering your shadow self. There is only darkness where the light casts its shadow. By shining light on the shadow self, you will be able to recognise, accept and come to love parts of yourself that were deemed to be unworthy.

‘Re-Flect, Re-Frame, Re-Focus’ applies to both the mind, and the camera. From capturing the moment, to pensive reflection, reframing your thoughts and refocusing your direction.


Get in touch to enquire, book your session or to discuss alternative options and collaborations to best suit your needs.

When you make a choice, you change the future.
— Deepak Chopra