Two Way Mirror Coaching

β€œA healer is someone who seeks to be the light that they wished they’d had in their darkest moments.” – Alan Watts

The Offering:

Two way mirror coaching offers you the opportunity to dive deep into self discovery, healing and soul alignment. I will be providing personal guidance to support your journey towards making your unspoken dreams into a living reality. Veils will be removed and the shadow self explored, for you to see yourself from both sides of the mirror, in full transparency.

When we live in soul alignment, all areas of life begin to flow with ease. When we have a focus, everything becomes a building block towards the success of our goal, whether that be to find more joy, self development and healing, pursuing a career change or simply living in harmony with yourself.

Together we will discover your purpose, explore how to turn your desires into reality, expand awareness and dive into the subconscious. Creating new pathways to overcome limiting beliefs and leave you in full confidence to move forward on your chosen path.

  • One single 1hr 15min session to explore a specific theme or to 'test' the waters of coaching.

    The investment for the session is Β£111.

  • The Chopra Journey includes 10 private 45min coaching sessions across 12 weeks.

    During the first session we will dive into: Who am I? What do I want? What is getting in my way? As well as an in depth discussion of the intake form completed prior to this session. We will set goals and intentions in alignment with what you would like to achieve and what you are hoping to gain from the experience.

    Sessions 2-8 will be broken down into the 4 Chopra cornerstones:

    1) Purpose: Finding your Dharma - what are your soul gifts and purpose?

    2) Intention: Integrating actions that move you towards your dharma/goals.

    3) Meaning: Finding new perspectives. Getting unstuck and adapting our thinking to cause a shift, through awareness, re-framing and meditation tools.

    4) Shadow: Discovering the parts of ourselves we keep hidden, and shining a light on them. Leaning in and accepting all parts of ourselves in order to regain wholeness. 

    The final session will hold space to review the work we have done, answer any final questions, and leave you with the skills you require to continue your forward journey.

    The investment is Β£1,111.
    (The angel number symbolising a new beginning in your self-development journey, an affirmation of alignment, and divine timing.)

  • Feminine Power includes 5 private 45min coaching sessions across 6 weeks.

    We will explore the dualities that lay within, the light and dark, the masculine and feminine, working towards acceptance and balance.

    In a masculine world, how can we hold space for the feminine? How can we lean into both our softness and our power. Learning to honour our moonly cycle and reconnect to nature, embracing the power of the portal we hold within.

    With a deep focus on our Shadow, we will uncover aspects that have been suppressed and hidden, removing the veils to allow for our full light to shine. Getting uncomfortable to regain comfort within our bodies, using somatic awareness and meditation practices to unlock our full potential.

    The body holds pain and trauma that inevitably leads to dis-ease. Through working with the shadow self and re-framing the limiting beliefs we hold, we can re-gain clarity and flow towards feeling whole once again.

    The investment is Β£555.
    (The angel number symbolising change and transformation.)

β€œBe a guiding light for those walking alone in the darkness.”

Please complete the contact form, adding any detail you feel called to share, I will get back to you answering any questions you have and with availability for booking in our sessions.

Book an appointment.

β€œThey always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
— Andy Warhol


  • A coach or guide holds space for you to have supported, dedicated time to finding the answers to questions and desires that are not being utilised to their full expression. To shine light on parts of yourself that have been left in the shadows, neglected, or forgotten, so that you can live fully in soul alignment and live a life of joy and ease.

    Within coaching, we learn the art of remembering. A remembering that all we seek already resides within ourselves, we simply need to learn to distinguish between the inner noise and the voice of truth.

    Coaches are not teachers, nor healers, yet both wisdom and healing are found in this space. Coaching shines light on the path ahead. A safe container to explore and discover new tools to find your focus and forward motion, free from limiting beliefs and blocks.

  • Soul alignment is achieved when preconditioning and limiting beliefs are dissolved, and courage and boundaries are created to keep you centred to your life’s purpose, gifts, and your highest self. We each have a uniqueness that has been divinely created for this life, to live in soul alignment, is to accept and live out your mission to the fullest potential. To cherish and share your gifts with the world.

    When we live in soul alignment, life suddenly moves with ease and abundance is found. The universe is forever guiding you towards this, nudging you away from what is not meant for you. Dis-ease is often caused through your highest self-trying to guide you away from distraction and towards your destined path. Through coaching, we learn to listen to these subtle, and sometimes not so subtle cues. There is much to be learnt from the inner voice, the gut feeling.

  • Coaching if for everyone, whether you are looking to shift away from limiting habits, find your purpose or level up within yourself. With a growth mindset, coaching provides a sounding board to help support you in finding your path and the answers you seek. The programme is led by the client, with the support of the coach and their gifts in mirroring what you are seeking, to see a clear reflection.

  • A safe space of non-judgement, and an opportunity to discuss and resolve areas of your life that feel stuck or not of service. The process will allow for awakening self-discovery, providing you with the tools and resources to move into a place of inner harmony that mirrors out into your external life. Within just a few weeks, a total life transformation can be achieved through a programme of 1:1 weekly sessions.

  • Contact me with any further questions. I would be more than happy to discuss any quires you still have and/or arrange a discovery call.

  • We are all mirrors, what we see in others, is simply a reflection of our own selves, no person is viewed the same way by two different beings. Allow these reflections to be noticed, valued and understood.

    The number 2 forms the basis of duality, ruled by the moon, which like us, reflects light to be seen. The number also represents balance, harmony, loving relationships and finding your life path. So why not take this opportunity to step into yourself, a journey of self-discovery and at the same time, create beautiful images for ongoing reflection and documentation.

    The method of photography itself uses two mirrors, to reflect light and expose the image. Seeming to me the perfect tool for discovering your shadow self. There is only darkness where the light casts its shadow. By shining light on the shadow self, you will be able to recognise, accept and come to love parts of yourself that were deemed to be unworthy.

Deepak Chopra

β€œThe most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.”