Two Way Mirror Photography

Sometimes all you need is a change of perspective.

The Offering:

Two way mirror offers you an opportunity to dive deep into self discovery with me, through photography, to explore the dualities of self, from your brightest light to darkest shadows. Below are three options, whether you want to dip your toe in the water, or fully submerge into the process, the choice is yours.

After years of shooting honest self portraits, I reflected on the learnings this provided me, from self-discovery to self-acceptance. When you express your true self it allows for a deep level of healing, when this moment is captured, it allows you to look into the mirror the photographs provide, reflecting from another perspective.

Sharing this process, as a way to guide you towards a feeling of total self love. Whether this steams from the physical, or the emotional, veils will be removed for you to see yourself from both sides of the mirror, in full transparency.

Expose your shadow to light, just like a photograph. When you process the negatives, the picture is revealed.

Choose Your Depth

  • Feeling the calling but not sure if you are ready? Toe Dip offers the opportunity to step in front of the camera, exploring a theme or word that you would like to work on. A very relaxed format where we can peak behind the veil.

    Capturing 20+ images in your home-space or nature. The process will begin with a 15min discovery call, to prepare for the 1hr shoot.

    Investment of £222, with additional cost for studio hire if required.

  • If you are already comfortable in front of the camera, or simply feel like pushing a little further, Plunge offers the opportunity to open the curtains, to submerge into your shadow self and discover the aspects of yourself that require nurturing.

    Capturing 30+ images in your home space or studio. The process will begin with a 15min discovery call, to prepare for the 1.5hr shoot.

    Investment of £333, with additional cost for studio hire if required.

  • Ready to jump in at the deep end? Deep Dive offers the opportunity to really find your edge, to break out of your comfort zone in a desire to take big leaps into self-acceptance and self-love. Allowing for deep healing to take place through this meditative practice.

    This offering can also be used to create an acting/modelling portfolio, or couples/pregnancy shoot.

    Capturing 40+ images in your home space or studio. The process will begin with a 20min discovery call, to prepare for the 2hr shoot.

    Investment of £444, with additional cost for studio hire if required.

Book a Session

Please note your location and which offering is calling to you. I am also open to discussing alternate options to best suit your needs.

“Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”

— Dorothea Lange


  • The shoot will form organically following the intentions set in our discovery call. A collaboration within a safe container that offers space and time for you to receive that which you need.

    Whether it is for your artist portfolio, business use, or a personal form of self discovery.

  • Within our discovery call we will form actions based on the intention.

    This could be organising a location, if not in your home or the studio, and preparing the stylisation and wardrobe. This can be as simple or as styled as you desire. Visuals can be passed between us to form a clear 'moodboard' of the shoot, or we can freestyle in the moment as I guide you through the process.

  • You are more than welcome to bring a special someone to the shoot, my offering is also open to duos. Where we can explore the connection between the two of you, capturing the bond and energy that you share.

  • We are all mirrors, what we see in others, is simply a reflection of our own selves, no person is viewed the same way by two different beings. Allow these reflections to be noticed, valued and understood.

    The number 2 forms the basis of duality, ruled by the moon, which like us, reflects light to be seen. The number also represents balance, harmony, loving relationships and finding your life path. So why not take this opportunity to step into yourself, a journey of self-discovery and at the same time, create beautiful images for ongoing reflection and documentation.

    The method of photography itself uses two mirrors, to reflect light and expose the image. Seeming to me the perfect tool for discovering your shadow self. There is only darkness where the light casts its shadow. By shining light on the shadow self, you will be able to recognise, accept and come to love parts of yourself that were deemed to be unworthy.