
I do not chase, I attract.

This statement is so often misinterpreted and understood as a state of idleness, when it is really quite the contrary.

Chasing is a forceful desperation to obtain something that is not yours to claim. A possessive attachment. Attracting, comes from a place of freedom, allowing that which is meant for you to gently glide towards you and be received with open arms. 

If you hold a clear picture in your mind, and speak into existence that which you are ready to receive, it will come. Through awareness of what you hold within, and allowing the universe to see your readiness. This is an internal knowing state, that comes to life with external action. Taking steps along the path that flows in the direction of desire. 

Where your focus goes, your energy flows. 

A constant state of defeatist thinking, where you focus on the challenges and hurdles ahead, will lead to a series of obstacles that will prove you to be ‘correct’. An open heart and energy of success will still come with challenges, but the obstacles will suddenly be observed as great lessons, that provide learnings and solutions. You will notice that what appears to be an in-scalable boulder, in fact holds subtle notches along its surface for you to climb. A natural staircase, sometimes smooth, other times a little more rocky, but always achievable. 

The word impossible itself is mostly ‘possible’.

