
As individual drops of water form an ocean in unity, we too mirror this.

The power of oneness being indisputable, whilst the power of the individual so undervalued. Our bodies are more water than anything else, dehydrating as we sweat and cry tears that were once apart of our being, repurposing and shedding to allow for newly activated water to rehydrate and cleanse us.

Have you ever noticed how water always finds itself? How raindrops pool together to create puddles of community, just like houses create villages. Have you ever noticed how a water droplet moves in isolation, compared to that of a body of water? Have you witnessed the disease that occurs in stagnant water compared to the freshness of that which flows? Have you noticed that the sound of the waves signals the energetic tone? From a splashing so gentle and soft, like the delicate hushing of a mother to her child, to thundering waves that crash and roar, a warning of unsettled emotion.

With such a vast number of metaphors linking water and emotion, how could we possibly separate them. As we cry each tear, we literally see the emotional waves dripping from our eyes. Escaping from the body, as a droplet escapes from a body of water. Evaporating from the surface only to come pouring down as rain, an infinite cycle of isolation and unity, repeatedly separating and returning. Like the tide flowing in and out of the coast, drawing closer and retreating away, hugging the land, whilst maintaining separation. Mirroring healthy human relationships, as a flood mirrors the toxic suffocation of unbalanced relationships. A drowning of the land, as we too can drown our bodies when not in balanced flow.

Our singular body, the singular droplet, holds so much power.

Notice the ripples that form as the singular enters the whole, rings of affect flowing outwards in every direction. Water holds power, and we hold water. As we release our thoughts, emotions, words, actions, there is a rippling effect that changes all that surrounds us, which effects all that surrounds our surroundings. If each individual moved with this awareness, we could calm the lake of chaos and despair. Creating a surface so smooth and tranquil, that a mirror is created. A mirror of clarity, of divine natural truth.

